A stage play composed of six vignettes, each featuring two characters, all peripheral figures in the Lincoln assassination, all with their own riveting perspectives, each revealing another golden nugget of forgotten history...
Each vignette is named after a different theatrical term. For example: In Intermission, the president’s incompetent bodyguard and his would-be-assassin meet in a bar during intermission at Ford’s Theatre. In Costume Change, the “mad hatter” who ultimately slayed Booth breaks out of an insane asylum. In Bows, two cousins set out in a rowboat under the cover of darkness to dump the assassin’s corpse in the Potomac River.
To glue these vignettes together, my play features one recurring scene: An officer from the War Department forces the shaken cast to re-stage their play, Our American Cousin, in order to work out a timeline of who was where when during the shooting. This bizarre event actually took place mere days after the assassination. An encore under duress. Ralph Waldo Rice Prize Winner (Amherst College)
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